Why I Walk Alone

I really enjoy walking as a stress-reliever, as a means for self-care, and to "fill my cup". I use the time to make uninterrupted phone calls, listen to music, pray, and just clear my mind of the busy-ness of the day. It's a refreshing time, something I've come to crave. And when I don't get to walk, I miss it.

Here's a little glimpse into one of my walks this week...

We were headed out to get some vitamin D and I suggested she ride her bike or scooter because it would be a very long walk. She insisted on walking... 

Wednesday, 12:30pm

12:35: How long is this walk? How many minutes has it been?
12:40: *moaning* How long has it been now? 
12:41: I'm going to throw up.
12:42: My back hurts. I can't stand up. I can't walk.
12:45: I'm feeling terribly ill. I'll have to lie on the couch when we get home and watch movies for the rest of the day.

(I'm panicking now, trying to figure out what I'm going to do if my 60-pound child truly is terribly ill and wondering how I'll get her home, which is at least 10 minutes away. Seriously debating whether or not I need to call for a ride, I beeline for the short cut home.)

12:48: I'm too sick to go to church tonight.
12:49: I can only walk 10 steps at a time.
12:50: *Lots of moaning and whining* Everything hurts. 
12:52: Why did you make me walk so far? You should have told me it would be a long walk!

12:55: *Arrival home, sees neighbors outside* Can I play with the neighbors?!

Me: No, you're terribly ill.

Child: I'm not sick mom! My legs just feel a little droopy.

So, this is why I walk alone!

Now in all honestly, I don't always walk alone. I look forward to walks with my husband and daughter (when she's riding her bike). I also have a few awesome walking buddies that occasionally accompany me on the trails. Those are special times too. One of my friends and I have started walking and talking. One of us will set out on a walk and call the other. I'll walk in my neighborhood, and she'll walk in her neck of the woods. We talk on the phone as we walk. I love this!

There was a season in my life where my daughter was too little to ride a bike, but had grown too big for her stroller. So, an hour-long walk was not an option for us. Instead, we rode bikes and pulled her in the bike buggy during that time.

Whatever season you're in, I want to encourage you to get out. Get some fresh air and vitamin D. Let the sunshine soak in and warm your skin. Clear your mind, and re-charge. Spend some time in prayer and allow God to work on your heart. I can't promise it will always be fun and stress-free, but I promise it will not be time wasted.

♥ Lisa

P.S. Stay tuned for a little challenge I've got planned!...


Yoga Mats & Christ

Yoga Mats & Christ

Over the many years I taught childbirth classes in my home, I acquired a large amount of yoga mats. There are currently 8 sitting in my guest room closet. Although I've used a mat here or there, the majority of them have just been sitting. But not anymore! It's time to put the mats to good use!...

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10,000 Steps

It's the first day of Autumn, my favorite season of the year. With cooler temperatures (yes, I consider this week's lows of 73 degrees cool), spending time outdoors is a bit more bearable. My husband purchased some step counters for us several months ago. We didn't want any more electronics buzzing Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and who knows what else through our bodies. Not to mention, I just couldn't wear a fitbit with all of the hand washing and work I do near large pools and tubs of water. We just wanted to count our steps.  And that is what this little gadget does. It simply counts steps. 

Step Counter

My goal was to track 10,000 steps daily. I started counting and tracking my steps with my pedometer. For a while I worked in a busy office. I saw clients and was on my feet all day (and sometimes all night!). I figured I was walking thousands of steps because my feet were tired and so was I! But as it turns out, on those days I only averaged about 1,600-2,000 steps. On other days filled with errands and activities, I averaged around 5,000-8,000 steps. In order to reach my 10,000 step goal, I actually had to get out and walk...as in exercise. And that is HARD when you live in hot, humid Houston! But now, as we enter into this beautiful season of fall, the temperatures are getting cooler, the mosquitos are no longer coming in plagues, and God's creation SHINES with beauty. I encourage you to get out with me and walk! Do not wait for the end of "holiday season" to commit to a New Year's resolution. Set a goal today, and go for it! 

If you do walk, I'd love to hear from you! Where is your favorite place to walk? How many steps (or miles) is it? If you would like to walk WITH me, I would LOVE to have your company! I am facilitating group walks for moms on Wednesday mornings. Email me for location and meet times. 

Happy Fall, Y'all!